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Current BCA Dispatch


November-December 2013



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Articles featured in this Farewell edition of Boston-Cambridge Alliance for Democracy Dispatch newsletter:

  • Community Notes

  • Some of Us Will Die - Christian Conspiracy in a Nazi World by Dietrich Bonhoeffer

  • The Sampson Complex - Don't Panic—Do a 20-Year Plan by Immanuel Wallerstein

  • Gaia Hypothesis - Mother Earth to Shift Course and Go On by Stephen Miller

  • A New, Radical Catholic Church? Liberation Theology Restored, Plus by Paul Vallely

  • Gandhi's Seventh Sin - "Worship Without Sacrifice" by Ignacio Castuera

  • Calling All Engineers - Re-engineer the Internet to Prevent Spying by Bruce Schneier

  • Provocative Art in NY Streets by Banksy

  • Editorial: Three 9/11s by Dave Lewit

  • Reader Commentary: Indict Real Traitors at NSA and FISA Court by William R. Nugent

  • Invited Commentary: The Prison-Industrial Complex - Changing a Self-Perpetuating System by Chuck Turner

  • Ireland—Exit Euro and Default! Adopt irish Banking, End ECB/IMF Leeching by Ellen Brown

  • Stop Girl-Cutting in Mali - BCA Is Sending $100, Can You Spare $15 by Susan McLucas

  • Secret TPP? Add Secret TAFTA! US-Euro Deal Bigger Than Pacific Deal by Colin Todhunter

  • Protesting Fukushima Re-Start - Business Suits Get Into the Street by Abby Zimet

  • PeePoo—A Toilet of One's Own - 2.6 Billion People Have No Bathroom by John Collins

  • Back to PreCambrian Era - After Our Folly, Jellyfish Are Taking Over, by Tim Flannery reviewing Lisa-ann Gershwin

  • Swiss Demand Minimum Income Law - Will Also Vote to Limit CEO Pay by Common Dreams Staff

  • Situation According to Ralph Nader by Cole Stangler

  • We Are Many by Pablo Neruda

  • United Attitudes of America - New Federation Brings Democracy At Last by Rave Lewit

  • "Capitalism Works For Me!" Vote: True? False? Explain. from

  • Don't Feed Cars—Feed People - Another Feature of a Post-Capitalist World by Janet Eaton

  • TPP Free Zones: We Will Not Obey! by Ruth Caplan

  • What's "Left" After the Dispatch, by Barbara Clancy 

            The pine-tree flag of New              England was adopted by              the New England
Confederacy in 1643, was flown at the battle of Bunker Hill, and even today is the official flag of Lincoln County, Maine.
      The brave bird at the top right--
the puffin---is at home on our New England coast

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