9/11 Reichstag & Pentagon. May2002p1
9/11 three 9/11s. NovDec2012p7
9/11 Pentagon hit. JanFeb2012p1
9/11 explained?/MIT NovDec2010p1
9/11 truth/Griffin. Feb2009p1
Alliance for Democracy, vision. Jun2006p12
BioDefense Lab: danger. AugSep2003p12
Boston vs limited home rule. Oct2009p1
Bush G.W. as psychopath. Feb2003p1
Chomsky dismisses 9/11. NovDec2010p3
Chomsky 9/11 vs Griffin. JanFeb2011p12
Churchill starved Indians. SepOct2010p3
Corporatocracy: fight w psy/Levine. SepOct2011p1
Corporatocracy alternatives. Jul2001p7
Democracy protection kit. Aug2007p2
Gandhi advice to Jews 1938. Aug2007p7
Gandhi Circles for discussion. dlewit@igc.org
Gandhi sin/re worship. NovDec2013p5
Gandhi sin/re knowledge. Mar2007p5
Gandhi sin/re science. MarApr2012p16
Gandhi sin/re politics. JanFeb2012p16
Gandhi sin/re wealth. SepOct2011p9
Gandhi grandson adds a sin. Jul2008p6
Hitler cops Hollywood. JulAug2013p9
Immigration Arizona. JulAug2010p3
Israel-US-Palestine. Jul2007p1
Israel racist indoctrination. JanFeb2010p7
Israel will end/CIA. Apr2009p3
Israel will end/Wallerstein. Jan2009p3
Jewish identity/Ogden Nash. May 2002p8
Local ecology-rule/Ostrom. Oct2009p1
Local: Partic. budget’g challenged. May2006p4
Media vs literacy/Hedges. MarApr2010p3
Nonviolence: 198 tactics/Sharp. Mar2004p5
Nonviolence: Gene Sharp’s work. MarApr2011p5
Participatory budgeting. SepOct2010p4
Partic.budget’g worldwide. MarApr2010p13
Poem “3 Soldiers”/Lewit. MarApr2010p11
Poem “We Are Many”/Neruda. NovDec2012p16
Police fraud NYC. SepOct2012p14
Pop. Educ: 6 principles/Freire. Oct2004p7
Region: Brave New England/economy. Apr2007p1
Region: Brave New England/gov,comm’y. May2007p1
Region: Brave New England/strategies. Jun2007p1
Region “Atlantica”/Eaton. Jan2007p1
Regionalism/Alperovitz. Aug2006p13
System mapping. NovDec2011p5
System outline. JulAug2009p5
System changing. JulAug2009p4
Trade regulation. Jun2009p5
US 9/11 gulag. Mar2008p1
US Congress: $ sharing?/Lewit. Mar2004p1
US Congress transform’n/Lewit. Oct2008p1
US Congress as tinkertoy/Lewit. JanFeb2013p9
US Empire falling/Galtung. JulAug2010p1
Zionism/Einstein. May2009p5
Zionist Jewish race myth/Sand. Sep2008p1
The pine-tree flag of New England was adopted by the New England
Confederacy in 1643, was flown at the battle of Bunker Hill, and even today is the official flag of Lincoln County, Maine.
The brave bird at the top right--
the puffin---is at home on our New England coast